How we operate

By order of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, ZEBRA offers counselling for victims of right-wing, racist and antisemitic attacks, as well as the people in their social environment. ZEBRA takes the side of the victims and draws attention their perspectives and interests. We will arrange interpreters if multilingual counselling is required. ZEBRA’s support is free of charge, confidential and, if desired, anonymous. As an independent social work organisation, we operate independently of state authorities. We advise and support victims regardless of whether a police report has been filed or is intended.

Based in Kiel, we offer outreach throughout the state to make our services as easy to access as possible. This means visiting victims or, if desired, arranging a neutral meeting location. Of course, we also offer counselling at our counselling centre in Kiel. Alternatively, counselling can be provided by video call or in writing via Messenger.

The counsellors take a client-centred, task-, solution- and resource-oriented, and trauma-sensitive approach. For more information about how we operate, see the quality standards of the Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Antisemitic Violence in Germany (VBRG).

Outside of our counselling services, we also advocate for stronger representation of victims’ perspectives in public discourse.